October 7th, 2024
Högskolan for scen och musik, Göteborg
Vortex Temporum-workshop
Vortex Temporum-workshop for music students in Sweden. In collaboration with "the Academy of Music & Drama in Gothenburg.
October 21th, 2024
Caféteateret, Oslo
Northern Connection Train Tour::OSLO
Christian Winther-Chr (DK): Sextet (2014)
Martin Bauck: tostados en córdoba en medio de la noche (2022)
Lauri Supponen: north (2023)
Outi Tarkiainen: Sensory Flashbacks
Eivind Buene: Schubert spielt (2020)
Love Carbin: New Work (2024)
Malin Bång (SE): Kaolin (2023), for klavertrio
Jonas Skaarud (NO): Com tudo quanto vi, se passa, passo. Nem distingue
a memória. Do que vi do que fui., (2021) for fløyte, klarinett, fiolin, bratsj, cello
Brigitta Muntendorf (DE): Shivers on Speed (2013), for sextet
22. - 31. October, 2024
Gothenburg, Copenhagen, Leeds, Aberdeen, Glasgow, London
Northern Connection Train Tour
Works by: Lauri Supponen, Martin Rane Bauck, Jonas Skaarud, Eivind Buene, Outi Tarkiainen, Brigitta Muntendorf, Christian Winther-Christensen, Malin Bång, Love Carbin.
October 22nd: Tyska kyrkan, Gothenburg (Levande musik)
October 23rd: København (Birkerød), Mantzius-salen
October 25th: Leeds Conservatoire, Leeds: concert & masterclass for composers
October 26th: Lemon Tree, Aberdeen: Konsert 1 (Sound Festival)
October 27th: Lemon Tree, Aberdeen: Konsert 2 (Sound Festival)
October 30st: CCA Theatre, Glasgow (Nordic Music Days)
October 31st: St. Olave’s Church, London ("Lunchtime Recitals")